Filtering by: Plein Air Basics

Plein Air Basics Workshop with Carrie Curran - November (COMING SOON)
8:00 AM08:00

Plein Air Basics Workshop with Carrie Curran - November (COMING SOON)


COST? $125
This workshop will take place entirely outdoors, on the patio and lakeside, where we have the ability to social distance. However, masks will still be required and class-size is limited.

The basics plein air workshop will be interactive, useful and informative. It is a hands-on course that will be exactly what beginners need to get started in outdoor painting. Carrie breaks down the process of painting outdoors starting with how to develop observation skills, how to choose a subject, designing simple composition, learning how to see big shapes, and using a limited palette while keeping it simple and fun! Learn more and register here.



  • ​EQUIPMENT: portable easel

    1. PAINT: Brands, Golden or Liquitex Heavy Body, professional – Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue hue, Cad. Yellow Med., Cad. Lemon, Raw Sienna, Alizarin Crimson, Cad. Red Light, Burnt Umber, Viridian, Titanium white (large tube)

    2. BRUSHES: synthetic brushes, Princeton or Simply Simmons – Long Flats sizes #2, #4, #6, Short Flats sizes #4, #8, Angular ½”, palette knife

    3. CANVAS PANELS: Double or Triple Primed canvas boards for acrylics – Sizes: 6×8, 8×10, 9×12

    4. PALETTE: Masterson’s Handy Sta-Wet Palette, 8 1/2” x 7” works best – palette paper for Sta-Wet Palette, sponge for under palette paper

    5. PAINTING SUPPLIES: Golden Gloss Glazing Medium, container for water, water bottle, spray bottle to mist palette, paper towels & trash bag

    6. DRAWING SUPPLIES: sketchbook, pencil, charcoal, sharpie

    7. OTHER: apron & neutral colored clothing, sunhat & sunscreen, water bottle & snack


  • ​EQUIPMENT: portable easel

  • PAINT: Brands, Gamblin, professional grade, Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue hue, Cad. Yellow Med., Cad. Lemon, Raw Sienna, Alizarin Crimson, Cad. Red Light, Burnt Umber, Viridian, Titanium white (large tube)

  • BRUSHES: Robert Simmons, SIGNET for oils – Long Flats sizes #2, #4, #6, Short Flats sizes #4, #8, Angular ½”, palette knife

  • PAINTING SUPPLIES: Solvent-Free gel by Gamblin, Gamsol, stainless steel brush washer, paper towels & trash bag

  • DRAWING SUPPLIES: sketchbook, pencil, charcoal, sharpie

  • OTHER: apron & neutral colored clothing, sunhat & sunscreen, water bottle & snack

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